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פיתוח תוכנה ובניית אתרי אינטרנט
תוכנות לעסקים פיתוח תוכנה ובניית אתרים
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מחשבמידע על תוכנה

WebResource.axd not loading and therefore actions related to it (for example - MaintainScrollPositionOnPostback) not working

How to debug javascript in visual studio

How to show images on an asp.net login page

Relative path to root in HTML

Make a password to specific pages in asp.net

Make extension method work with Eval

Convert decimal to prices with a currency format

Extension Method syntax

Change an element in master page from the content page

Press a keyboard key from JavaScript or jQuery (and how to trigger or simulate key presses)

Add bold button and more commands on contenteditable using execCommand

Call a JavaScript function from code behind

Add a new line to a contenteditable

get ip address of client with javascript

Ajax simple example

How to get a country of ip address

How to force sql Intellisense to work

Search entire database for a string

Search for all tables names containing a table column

How to make a rapid editable gridview

WebMethods or PageMethods simple example

Remove the flicker when changing backgroundimage

Convert A User Control To Server Control

Add css to page from user control or from server control

To make an accurate countdown timer in javascript

To use Container.DataItemIndex in javascript (to pass gridview row to javascript function)

Write Exception to client from WCF REST based service

Remove carriage returns from database or encode them

Replace char by ascii code

Change onclick dynamically in javascript

Toggle div display on without jquery

Filter flags which are in power of 2 with binary

mssql select columns if not null, if null select alternate column

Get current time in mssql

Concatenate rows into string delimited with commas in mssql

Table name as variable in mssql

Select from table_name as variable - mssql

Select in sql - If column is null select another column instead

Allow special characters in forxml concatenation

Search for table names containing 2 specific columns in mssql

Get the first directory folder from url

When to send reference (pointer) to object by ref

replace chars from string at specific location

Adding assembly and class from web.config

Stop bubbling with javascript

Check if parent element contains a certain child - javascript

Message box in the middle of the screen or near parent element and also an alternative to alert

Check if parent element contains a certain child - javascript2

Temporarily disable onclick event - javascript

Center fixed div - with static or dynamic content

Caching of css files is just a feature of App_Themes

Delete all obj and bin folders from solution

Visual studio cache folders

Tortoise svn - undo "replace"

Prevent bug of flickering image when changing background image in chrome

Disable Cache-Control HTTP header from web.config

Add javascript script tag from custom server control from Render method

Check if file exists online on server

Get element by partial id - javascript

Add custom server control to page from code behind

Check if url exists and available from client side with javascript

Dynamically add javascript files from within script and only after all of them completed loading run another function (which is usually dependent on the loaded scripts)

Check if url exists and available from server side

Writing a URL Rewrite rule to make a redirect rule in IIS 7.5

Create empty file in specific size

Allow upload of big files asp.net

if else shortcut/shorthand syntax and if without else syntax

Add and load css dynamically from javascript

JavaScript - object to string

Detect ie 11 from javascript

RegisterStartupScript vs RegisterClientScriptBlock - add javascript to page from code behind

To "reset" upload field input file

To use tilde in code behind not only on asp.net controls

Access Session from HTTP handler

Override css class or multiple css classes

Find specific css file or specific css rule which already been applied on document

Box-sizing css property on different browsers

Use if (case) inside a select clause in sql (for example if column is not null add 1 else add 0)

Apply css style to elements with specific attribute

Check if element has a class or if element has an attribute

View all last queries in sql - useful to retrieve unsaved sql queries

Get last selected item on check box list (CheckBoxList)

Convert list to string

Prevent xss attacks on a textbox

Sum values of selected items in checkboxlist

Show only x decimal places of a number in sql server

Register startup script from user control if it is inside a page with an update panel

SQL substring - start substring from a specific given string example

Exclude files form publish on visual studio

Check if variable is defined in javascript

Update a table with join in MS SQL

Create and populate list in one line syntax (Object and collection initializers)

Post data with a web request

Build xml using XmlTextWriter and StringBuilder

Set enum value to another enum value when they have identical names

Simple example of posting data to a REST web service

Format excel's cells as HTML with VBA

Single quote inside dynamic sql

Post data to handler and get JSON result back from handler to javascript on page

"New" keyword used to hide properties and methods

Stringbuilder - append to start (prepend string)

Get all controls in page including child controls

Detect Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException

Show an alert and "hide" current page as if it was behind the alert, put a shadow div over page

Raise an event on custom server control from javascript with only partial page render (ajax)

Add javascript js file to head from code behind only if not exists

Detect if path is virtual in .NET

Web.config settings to make a wcf trace

Yield keyword - simple explanation

Catch and log all errors and exceptions on Web API

Search entire database where specific column has specific value

PIVOT - Transform rows to columns in sql

Find table that has two specific columns or multiple columns

Format json as camelCase in WEB API

Serialize and show enums as its string representation instead of enum's value

FOR XML PATH - Simple example to concatenate multiple rows to one column

Select only one max row from inner join

Populate dropdown in range on numbers

Serialize and show enum value as its string representation instead of its value

What does DataBind REALLY do?

Check if property has a ScriptIgnore attribute

Join and merge two arrays in c#

Pass list of values to stored procedure with table valued parameters (instead of commad delimited string)

Declare sql variable and populate it on the same line

Update from stored procedure only if variable passed to procedure is not null

Keep Session Alive

Save string to image with printing quality

Simplest way to convert float to int

Easiest way to populate dropdown with a range of numeric values

ASP.NET Get all active sessions

Access application state object from http handler

How to create a dynamic url mapping with web forms

HTML5 data attributes

Get query string parameter with javascript

Main differences between web services (asmx/wcf), page methods and generic HTTP handler (ashx)

Fit font size to container

UI Controls naming convention

HtmHelper for file upload with mvc

ASP.NET Get current culture's language

Avoid returning List from public API

ASP.NET - Detect postback on multiview when switching between views

Check if parsing to int is possible with javascript (altervative to tryparse)

When to add controls dynamically and when is it too late to add controls

Find primary key identity column from information_schema

Terminate session on browser close

Detect browser back button

Get wcf host base address from web config programmatically

ASP.NET - check if current request if from local host

Add windows user and password credentials on WCF service

MVC Custom HTML Helper LabelForNonEmpty HtmlHelper

WCF - The service certificate is not provided for target Specify a service certificate in ClientCredentials

Web API - how to throw exceptions

Create thread from thread pool using TPL or manually

Javascript - trigger event manually programtically

Save security data to current principal (e.g. data retrieved from token)

Web API - get client IP address

Add files to ScriptResource.axd

Detect Safari browser

Add javascript event to all radio inputs on page

ASP.NET - Get virtual folder virtual directory path

Convert List of strings to XML and parse XML into string

Why the using statement might swallow exceptions

Read all file lines into list of strings in c#

Split string by another string

Run javascript function on dynamically added elements - jquery on

Detect IsLocal on localhost on Application Start by debug section

WCF - get IP of request

Find SSL certificate thumbprint from c#

ASP.NET - Change dropdownlist value by text or by value

Prevent postback with javascript

Make sure the local iis server has been configured to support secure communications

Javascript - check if input is int (number)

Convert C# list (of string or object) to javascript array

ASP.NET validators - client side or server side?

Gridview - cancel rowediting

Repeater empty template

ASP.NET - reset / clear all textboxes after postback

Unit test MVC routes - routing

Visual studio - add empty folder to deployment folder

Subtract percentage from gross sum - simple useful function

Create empty mock image

Copy data or rows from remote database to another database

SQL - Upsert

Get current executable path

Alter table valued parameter table type

Line and a half or custom space or line break in HTML

HTML - Align form fields like label and input

Where clause in merge statement in sql

GridView - TemplateField ShowHeader="False" not working

Find gridview's column by header text name

ADO.NET syntax simple example

How to create object with javascript new keyword and a constructor

SQL - Check locks on a table

Build table from json with javascript

Create custom deferred object that returns a promise with jquery

Add row to top of table with jquery

check if input text is empty with jQuery

Find text in HTML table with javascript

Catch sql exception only

Localstorage Utils

Best way to check for undefined in javascript

Check if asp.net control's attribute contains onclick

jQuery check for carriage on non empty input

SQL - select and find by xml node

Localstorage Local Storage utils

Export GridView or DataSource to excel

Promises - two functions in then for success and fail instead of done and fail

SQL - clean cache buffers

Find in HTML table by th column header text or by column index

jQuery - find table cell td contains exact string text

Sql - compare and filter by date instead of datetime

Eval - Format date value ToString

Detect if is postback from javascript

Check if datareader contains specific column

Divide screen to two pars left and right with css (without tables)

SQL - Get any column from specific table where column's value contains

Static method on item in strongly typed repeater in aspx page

Hr inside an html table

Get DetailsView object bound entity on databound event

Custom HtmlHelper for Paging

C# - Pass parameters to delegate

Pass parameters to delegate in C#

Check if enum flag is contained withing another (larger) flag

Access object entity bound to repeater on itemdatabound

Add security module for all wcf web services

Find duplicates between 2 IEnumerables lists

To attach events from javascript

Strip script tags from HTML

Left join with only 1 row

Find and update column by th table header text with jquery

Regex - regular expressions

Set focus on control from server side

Poor man's dependency injection simple example

Linq shortcut for reuse to prevent DRY. Linq custom condition as Func

Simple c# event sample and prevent race condition in events

Simple c# event sample and prevent race condition in events2

My validation result struct

Gridview or HTML table - set padding and spacing between columns and cells

REST API conventions

Check if x minutes passed from specific datetime

Redirect without throwing exception and refresh page from code behind

Change space between radio button and text in asp.net radiobuttonlist

Encode and decode url

ADO.NET group by to populate select with join

Download and get http content over the web - WebClient vs WebRequest

My SQL naming conventions

Get app settings value from config

Create custom JSON JObject from c# dynamically

Json.NET - serialize to camel case json

Flatten property out of an array in Json.NET

Find which table the foreign key is referencing in SQL

Folders structure and projects structure for a solution

EF6 Entity Framework 6 Vs Repository wrapping EF

Upload to Azure blob from file system

Javascript Enums - JS Enums
מידע על תוכנה
מידע על תוכנה