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מחשבמידע על תוכנה

Raise an event on custom server control from javascript with only partial page render (ajax)
[ToolboxData("<{0}:ComboBox runat=server></{0}:ComboBox>")]
public class ComboBox : DropDownList, IScriptControl, IPostBackEventHandler 
 // Defines the Change event. 
  public event EventHandler Change;

  //Invoke delegates event Change. 
  protected virtual void OnChange(EventArgs e) {

     if (Change != null) {
        Change(this, e);

  // Implements IPostBackEventHandler that raises the change events. 
  public void RaisePostBackEvent(string eventArgument){
     OnChange(new EventArgs());

Then I had to postback to my control as the target like this:

myctrlPostBackEventReference = Page.ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(myCtrl, "");
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "initMyClientVariable", "var postBackEventReference=\"" + myctrlPostBackEventReference + "\";", true);

and in my javascript file I've added:


to execute it.

If you want to prevent full page render, so I used the same method, but posted back to a 'dummy' updatepanel as the target. The update panel will raise the event on the desired control (send the desired control id as an __EVENTARGUMENT (the second parameter of GetPostBackEventReference) for the update panel to distinguish which event should actually be raised.

Name: Shay
Comment: Source - my post on stackoverflow - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/23724376/raise-event-on-custom-server-control-from-ajax

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