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מחשבמידע על תוכנה

Filter flags which are in power of 2 with binary

filter flags with bitwise AND
1.you must write them as power of 2 - 2, 4,8,16 etc.
2.if it's in hex notice that above 10 you need to convert them to the correct value.

then to filter specific values just open calc.exe and add all the unwanted flags,
for example to filter 2,4,10 you should open calc in programmer mode, change it to hex,
then write 2+4+10 - you will get 16 as the result
so if you write in sql select * from table where status & 16 = 0 you actually filter 2 and 4 and 10, because if you will do in calc And operation (not +)  on any of these numbers with 16 you will get 0

if you want to filter and show only even numbers write in your where clause where status & 1 = 0 (because that's how binary is - odd numbers will always start with 1 on the right while even numbers will start with 0

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